Welcome to HVAC-CQ

Practical Insights on HVAC Commissioning and Qualification


If you’re involved in HVAC commissioning or qualification, this website is for you.

Here, I share what I have learned over the last more than 15 years while commissioning and qualifying HVAC systems for leading pharmaceutical/biotech companies like GSK, Novartis, Eli Lilly, MSD, ThermoFisher, etc. The insights presented here are divided into three categories: commissioning, qualification and beyond HVAC CQ. Instead of quantity of content, the focus is on quality. You’ll find bite-sized and precise blog posts, each addressing one specific question and no more.

Click below and have a look at what’s in store for you.


Hi, I am Atul Mathur. I have been working in the HVAC field for over 30 years. I started with project execution, then moved to design, and finally, for the last more than 15 years, I have been focused mostly on HVAC – Commissioning and Qualification. If you’re keen to know more about me, you’re welcome to visit my LinkedIn page.

I provide services for leading HVAC Commissioning and Qualification for pharmaceutical/biotech facilities. I also provide training in pharmaceutical HVAC. If you’ve any such requirements, you’re welcome to contact me.


atul[at]atulmathur.com | WhatsApp: +65 9489 6150

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