
HVAC for Biopharma Professionals

2-Day Comprehensive Training (Online)

17 Nov & 20 Nov 2023

HVAC systems maintain critical GMP environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, cleanliness, pressures) in biopharma facilities. The performance and reliability of these systems are essential to site operations. Consuming 50-60% of overall energy, these systems also have a direct impact on the cost of operations and sustainability.

In the end, however, all three objectives (performance, reliability, and energy) depend on a crucial ingredient: The capability of the team that operates and manages the HVAC systems.

This training has been specially designed to enhance that capability.

Target Audience

  • Senior engineers, engineers, supervisors, senior technicians
  • Involved in HVAC maintenance & operations, projects, commissioning & qualification

Training Objectives

  • Fundamentals: Consolidate HVAC fundamentals relevant to routine operations
  • Pharma HVAC & GMP: Gain understanding of HVAC design configurations for biopharma plants and applicable GMP regulations and standards
  • Troubleshooting: Learn how to systematically troubleshoot HVAC problems 
  • Energy: Identify various energy-saving opportunities in pharma HVAC systems

Training outline

The training focuses on the following four key areas:

  • Fundamentals
  • Pharma HVAC
  • Troubleshooting
  • Energy saving

The details are as follows:

Module 1 (Fundamentals): Key HVAC Principles
  • Application of HVAC fundamentals for operating a plant
  • Vapor compression cycle
  • P-H diagram, COP, and concept of “Lift”
  • Fan curves & fan laws
  • Pump curves & pump laws
Module 2: Psychrometry
  • Properties of air (Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures, relative humidity, enthalpy, etc.)
  • Reading & using a Psychrometric Chart
  • Psychrometric calculations
Module 3: Pharma HVAC
  • Important user requirements 
  • Pharma design considerations and configurations for different applications
  • Reviewing HVAC design, installation & commissioning as end-users
  • Latest trends (including AI)
Module 4: GMP Regulations & Standards
  • ISO and ISPE guidelines 
  • EU GMP, WHO, FDA requirements 
  • ASHRAE and local codes 
Module 5: HVAC Troubleshooting Strategies
  • Typical HVAC problems in biopharma plant 
  • Two types of problems – known and unknown causes 
  • Why jumping to solutions is easy but costly
  • Systematic approach
    • Examine
    • Analyze (Five Why’s, Fishbone) 
    • Solve 
Module 6: Troubleshooting with a Checklist
  • Power of a checklist (WHO example)
  • How to create a powerful checklist for troubleshooting 
  • Collaborative troubleshooting 
  • Preventing problems 
  • Case studies 
Module 7: Energy Saving (Part 1)
  • Drivers for saving energy
  • Key terms: COP, kW/TR, EER & basic energy calculations
  • ISO 14644-16 (energy efficiency in cleanrooms)
  • Key HVAC-related strategies (cleanroom side)
    • Air changes (ACH) reduction
    • Temperature and humidity set points
    • Night/weekend setback
    • Cleanroom tightness 
Module 8: Energy Saving (Part 2)
  • Key HVAC-related strategies (plant side)
    • Fresh airflow reduction
    • High-efficiency equipment: Fans, motors
    • Tightness – ducts
    • Design parameters: Outdoor conditions, equipment selection, filter selection
    • VFD
    • Heat recovery, run around coil 
  • How
    • Energy management – a systematic approach, stakeholders, conflicting
      requirements (GMP, reliability vs. cost savings), risk-based approach 
  • Case study 

Training Schedule

  • 17 Nov 2023 (Friday): 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (Singapore time)
  • 20 Nov 2023 (Monday): 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (Singapore time)

Trainer: Atul Mathur

  • Overall 30 years of experience in HVAC and the last 15 years in pharma HVAC (design, commissioning, qualification, and project management)
  • ACTA-certified trainer with 15 years of training experience
  • Master’s degree in engineering
  • For more information, please visit: Atul Mathur’s LinkedIn profile page


  • Relevant & Practical: Designed & delivered by a practitioner with decades of experience for other fellow practitioners
  • Interactive: Highly engaging with questions, discussions, exercises, and experience-sharing…it’s not a boring slide show
  • Competency-based: Every module starts with clear learning goals and ends with a small quiz…you’ll need to be alert and engaged
  • High-quality: Precise and high-quality content and training materials


By attending this 2-day training, you’ll learn: 

  • HVAC fundamental concepts useful for routine operations;
  • Different types of pharma HVAC designs and GMP regulations and international standards;
  • Systematic approach to troubleshooting; and
  • energy saving opportunities in pharma HVAC systems.

Bottomline: Back from the training, you’ll do your job with greater confidence and competence.


  • Standard fee: SGD 880/pax 
    • Discounted fee – early registration by 10 Nov: SGD 680/pax
    • Discounted fee – Group (min. 2 pax): SGD 480/pax

How to register (1-2-3)

  1. To register, simply send an email to: [email protected] with the following details
    • (i) Full Name, (ii) designation, (iii) company name, and (iv) number of participants (in case of group registration)
  2. You’ll receive an acknowledgment with payment details
  3. Make the payment to confirm your registration

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